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Adding files to documents

You add files to documents by uploading copies of them to Project Portal.

Note    The filenames must not contain any of the following characters: \ | / : * ? “ < > or control characters (tab, newline, carriage return, and so on).

To upload files to a document from the Workspaces view:

  1. In the ribbon, in the Wizard group, click Upload file. The link is only visible if you have access rights to upload files. The Put file to document.
  2. Select and upload files as described in Adding files with drag and drop upload. The Put file to document page appears.
  3. Select a recent document or a recent folder to which to add the uploaded files or select the workspace where you want to add the file elsewhere. If you select a workspace, browse to the desired destination folder in the navigation pane and select a document in the detail pane. You may also create a new document to receive the uploaded files.

To upload files to a document from the document's property page:

  1. View the property page of the document to which you want to add files as described in Viewing and editing document properties.
  2. In the ribbon, in the Files group, click Attach. The Attach menu appears.
  3. Click Add files. The Put file to document page appears.
  4. Select and upload files as described in Adding files with drag and drop upload

To add a file to document from a template stored in Project Portal:

Note    Performing this procedure is only possible if templates and their folder structure have been configured within the workspace by a system administrator. Otherwise, the command is not available.

  1. View the property page of the document to which you want to add files as described in Viewing and editing document properties.
  2. In the ribbon, in the Files group, click Attach. The Attach menu appears.
  3. Click Add files from template.
  4. Continue as described in Creating a file from a template.